Posted by: SightTrust Eye Institute in Uncategorized

Our team at SightTrust Eye Institute is excited to do our part to raise awareness about cataracts, one of the most prevalent eye conditions. Data from the CDC shows that more than 17 percent of adults over the age of 40 have a cataract in one or both eyes, and this condition affects 70 percent of adults by the age of 75. Millions of people worldwide suffer from cataracts, and cataracts are the leading cause of blindness according to The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness. 

You may be wondering: what is a cataract, and why do they appear? Cataracts occur when the clear lens of the eye becomes cloudy, leading to a gradual decline in vision. This lens is made of water and proteins, and as we age, so do the proteins. Over time the lens becomes a cloudy brown, and if left untreated, could lead to blindness. There are many risk factors to developing cataracts such as sun exposure, eye injuries, family history, diabetes, high blood pressure, or even smoking. 

Symptoms of cataracts, according to the National Eye Institute, include: 

  • cloudy or blurry vision
  • colors that look faded
  • difficulty seeing at night
  • sensitivity to light
  • halos and glare
  • seeing double
  • frequent changes to the prescription of eyeglasses or contact lenses

Cataracts can affect people of all ages – even babies can be born with congenital cataracts, although they are more commonly associated with aging. It is estimated that by 2032, more than 38 million people will have cataracts. These statistics highlight the urgent need for awareness and preventive measures to address this global health concern. Here are some ways you can work to help prevent the formation of cataracts: 

  • Eat a balanced diet that contains Vitamin C. 

Studies show that a nutritious diet that includes fruits, antioxidants, and leafy greens will reduce your risk of developing age-related cataracts. 

  • Develop a healthy lifestyle. 

Exercising and keeping your weight down will help reduce your risk for high blood pressure and diabetes and as a result, cataracts as well. Also, reducing the amount you smoke and drink will lower your risk. 

  • Protect your eyes from UV rays.

Direct UV rays can damage your eyes and lead to cataracts, so be sure to sit in the shade, wear hats, and wear sunglasses while out in the sun. 

  • Maintain regular eye exams.

Seeing an eye doctor regularly is vital to ensuring that you catch early signs of cataracts and pursue the right treatments or surgery when it’s deemed necessary. Thankfully, cataracts are treatable with corrective surgery, and the recovery time is only a month or two. 

SightTrust Eye Institute offers surgical options for those who find themselves in need of cataract surgery. We conduct special testing to create your ideal vision plan, and the best part is this outpatient procedure only takes about 10 minutes to perform per eye, requires only eye drops as an anesthetic, and has a quick recovery time. This surgery replaces the worn-out lens with a clear intraocular lens implant (IOL). There are several versions of implants to choose from: 

  • Multifocal implants – provide distance, intermediate, and near vision
  • Monovision – allows one eye to see far and one to see close
  • Single vision – for distance or near
  • Toric Lenses – correct astigmatism to sharpen vision at all ranges

Once the IOL is in place, you will never have to be concerned about it clouding up again or worry about needing to repeat this surgery! Our practice also offers our patients the option of treating both eyes on the same day, rather than one at a time. We want to ensure that you can get back to your normal life as soon as possible. 

At SightTrust Eye Institute, we hope this blog serves as a reminder that vision health should never be taken for granted. By educating yourself and others on cataracts and early intervention, we can work together to prevent avoidable vision loss. We cannot stress enough the importance of regular eye exams, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, protecting your eyes from harmful UV radiation, and seeking prompt medical attention when experiencing vision changes. However, if you do find yourself needing cataract surgery at any point – we’ve got you covered. 

We hope you’ll help spread the word about cataracts, share resources with friends and family, and encourage others to maintain regular eye check-ups. By doing so, we contribute to a global effort to raise awareness and reduce the impact of cataracts on individuals and communities worldwide. You can take the first step to be proactive in your own life by calling our office to schedule an appointment today! 

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