Pre-Operative Care for Lens Replacement Surgeries: What to Expect

Posted by: SightTrust Eye Institute in Lens Replacement, Presbyopia, Refractive Surgery

You have finally decided to have lens replacement surgery to permanently rid you of the need for glasses. Your motivation? You are tired of dealing with the debilitating symptoms of cataracts such as blurred vision, trouble seeing at night, halos around lights, or double vision; or are struggling with constantly grabbing a pair of reading […]

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LUMECCA-I and Your Dry Eyes

Posted by: SightTrust Eye Institute in Dry Eye

Did you know that around 20 million people in the United States, and 344 million people worldwide, have dry eye disease (DED)?  It is now considered a “critical and significant public health issue” in the United States. Some studies show that nearly half of all U.S. adults experience dry eye signs and symptoms, and that […]

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How FORMA-I Can Help Dry Eye

Posted by: SightTrust Eye Institute in Dry Eye

Dry eyes can be a frustrating part of life. Whether you’ve experienced itchy, red eyes after a long night of studying, or burning, stinging eyes from looking at a screen too long, we’ve all experienced the discomfort of dry eyes from time to time. However, chronic dry eye is a disease that can be much […]

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Opening Our Eyes to Possibilities – Resolutions for Self-Improvement

Posted by: SightTrust Eye Institute in Cataracts, IOLs, Presbyopia

It’s another new year, and another new opportunity to make exciting resolutions for self-improvement in 2024. While research shows that many Americans make New Year’s resolutions each year, just 9% actually keep their resolutions the whole year. Unfortunately, many people learn to live with the inconveniences of health issues they don’t see as urgent because […]

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