Posted by: SightTrust Eye Institute in FAQ

Our eyes are the windows to the world, allowing us to experience the beauty and wonder that surrounds us. But what happens when those windows become clouded? 

Cataracts are a natural part of the aging process. They occur as the normally clear lens of the eye becomes cloudy or opaque. This cloudiness can develop slowly over time, leading to a range of visual disturbances. Some of the most common symptoms of cataracts include:

  • Color Distortion: Colors may appear dull, faded, or yellowed, making it difficult to distinguish between different hues.
  • Blurred Vision: The clouded lens scatters incoming light, making everything appear hazy and indistinct.
  • Glare and Halos: Individuals with cataracts often struggle with glare from headlights, sunlight, or artificial lighting. This can make driving at night particularly challenging.
  • Double Vision: Cataracts can cause double vision in one eye or both, further compromising visual clarity.
  • Difficulty Reading: As cataracts progress, reading becomes increasingly challenging, and the need for stronger prescription glasses may not provide sufficient improvement.

The good news is that cataracts can be cured with surgery. Cataract surgery is one of the most common and successful surgical procedures performed worldwide, with well over 4 million of people benefiting from it in the United States alone each year. During the procedure, the clouded lens is replaced with a clear artificial lens known as an intraocular lens (IOL). This IOL allows light to pass through the eye properly, restoring clear vision. Cataract surgery is performed on an outpatient basis and takes only a few minutes per eye.  Recovery time is quick, and patients often notice improved vision within a few days after surgery.

The most immediate effect of cataract surgery is the restoration of clear vision. Many patients report that colors appear brighter and more vivid, and they can see details they had long forgotten.  Surgery also eliminates glare and halos, making night driving and other activities involving bright lights safer and more comfortable. More importantly, at SightTrust Eye Institute we specialize in improving vision so that you do not require glasses after surgery. Multifocal IOLs can eliminate the need for glasses at all ranges – reading, computers, television, and driving can be glasses free for life!  If you or a loved one is experiencing the clouded vision of cataracts, don’t hesitate to call us for a consultation to evaluate your candidacy for this life-changing procedure. 

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